Friday, August 6, 2010


feel free to submit more to me for this list!
The crickets and the cicadas make those noises before a storm.

The sound of a symphony warming up.

The subwoofer on the best of songs, a sound you can feel in your toes and resonant in your memories.

When somebody involuntarily or unconsciously exhales around you, slow and deep, like hearing a smile. Nothing beats that sound.

Thunder in the distance
Thunder right above you

All your friends laughing at once

The clink of ice cubes in the bottom of your glass, then the filling up.

The stupid noise of a gchat message when you are tired and alone. Someone saying hello.

The drone of a needle during a tattooing. Like meditation, like eyes closed and feeling and not thinking about it.

The sound of a great party or show from the outside, just before you step in the door, waiting in line in anticipation (craning your neck so you couldn't even point out the bouncer's face later, as you hand him your ticket, ID, absently).

The sound of “you can go”, “you are dismissed”, and your own footsteps echoing down the hall as you walk away, leaving the others behind, gradually gaining speed until you skip out into the sunlight and the sounds of outside suddenly hit you and it's wind and traffic and voices and freedom!

The ocean. Enough said.

Playgrounds shrieking at children (it sounds like plastic slides slipping and creaking metal at the top of the swings and the splash of feet hitting mulch underneath it all).

“The sound of your ____ (sic) firing up and idling after working on it for a while.” - DC

When one ear is on the mattress and you can hear the muted thud-thud-thud of footsteps on the level below you, like they are crawling up the walls and the ceiling into your head and, simultaneously, your other ear can hear the voice the footsteps belong to and the clatter of plates and drawers and shelves and you know they go together but they are detached and distinct and you fall asleep listening to one thing in two ways.

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