Thursday, August 5, 2010

Poems circa 2008


muddy waters
reach up a hand
pull me in
swim the dim

when I walked a million hazy bubbles
bursting a million flickers of
smuggy orange oil
lit the air like firefly demise
like falling tea lights
dusk filtered through a swamp

and following the river reedy
I came to the shallows
reached in a hand
and pulled you out of
muddy waters

Probability Class
Like a puppy dog
Writing what you write
erasing what you do
trying not to shipwreck
when note-taking overcomes
goddamn your tablet p.c.
inserting lines where I cannot

(seeing how that was actually in my class notes, there may have been more reasons here for my lack of success)


Chapped lips
Broke china:
    tea set stained from red juice
Broke bank
lost ambition, ammunition
personal prohibition
loop of a
mobius mind

hunger will always come back tomorrow
don't forget

Overheard in Value Village on 800 Block of North Ave

“I hate shopping because when I go into stores everything terrifies me”
Sweaters bite out like
vicious woolen creatures
All items hung
innocently enough-
    in a line on the racks
    (with the register an ally)
Should you begin down 
  an aisle
the ends may recede
hanger labyrinth
Then at the edge
cold heartless soles of
the Shoe Department
will stomp you out;
lay chase


i swear it was only because
my boss called and told me not to come in- it
was so slow today, they didn't need me
and the sky was so unusually blue and
it felt so nice, the blue reflecting on my skin
my new sneakers make walking like playing
a symphony- i could practically hear the violins.
who knew they made the asphalt around here
out of clouds
and because
you have that new puppy, Zizzou, after the
movie after the diver
and he likes me so much i know it. he
follows me around, ate the old sneakers
and only because
your apartment is right around the corner
from that new cafe where they sell
chocolate covered strawberries
two-for-one, and there are two of us
it's really only for these reasons
(and because i needed to be over that way
anyway, needed to bring back a library book)
it is only because of all of this that
i came to see you

8:30 a.m., bring gloves

Stuck in a cycle; each day in same
Oversleep, late to class, dinner Natty Boh
       Problem Set
    More Boh. NAp
Lather. rinse. repeat.
The tiger-ness has all gone tame
(though there does remain a tiny flame)
And so you know
A bolt of lightening should be in the making
Sweet success in simply coming home
Today is not one of those days
On the way here I punched every bush along the wall
by the practice field
And they all punched back.


I was having an awful nightmare
But on the verge of tears
I suddenly found a calm
Realizing they were actually your fears
Not mine.
Except maybe the gorilla.  That scared the shit out of me.

Falling  twisting
One side is loose
The open door between floors
A terrible plummet
My breath may not catch so much for 3 floors
But 30
What is there to hold on to?

I'm running but I can't catch up
My feet are lead
The group turns a corner in the distance
Something chases me
And someone wants to kill me but I don't know why
There is only terror, confusion
That slowly dissipates into
Abominable sadness
As if the real fear was just
This awful ache
And the worst part is I can't find you anywhere

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