Tuesday, February 1, 2011


“Soon as he said he'd bring HAMMR to Baltimore, I liked the guy,” says Sadie Graham, 32, of Remington, “And after this speech, I might be in love.”

Graham's comment outside the Convention Center following Tuesday afternoon's press conference captured the spirit of a crowd smitten with lately-announced mayoral candidate Cameron Grace.

In a follow up to his announcement of candidacy last week, Grace spoke to a mixed crowd of humans and mutants about his positions on all issues from city education reform to the proposed Chesapeake restocking with Old Bay-Maryland Blue crab hybrids. However, his efforts were overwhelmingly focused on his standout initiative to establish the Nation's next HAMMR location in Baltimore City.

The Human and Mutant Mediated Relations group, which typically goes by the acronym HAMMR (pronounced “hammer”), is the foremost organization dedicated to cultivating peace between the human and mutant races. Founded in Westchester County, NY, by advocacy leader Charles Xavier six years ago, HAMMR has established offices in a dozen cities worldwide and has passed peacekeeping legislation in over thirty countries.

“I believe in Baltimore, and I believe that HAMMR will help break barriers in this city so that it will continue to be the Greatest City in America,” said Grace, “It's time time to work together and fight the chaos plaguing our nation's capital right next door.”

Grace claims he will entice HAMMR to open a development center in the heart of Baltimore, possibly downtown or in Harborplace. He has mentioned an unconfirmed personal connection from within the Xavier Institute, HAMMR's umbrella organization, as well as potential zoning and tax incentives. By keeping the location prominent for both city citizens and tourists, Grace says he plans to make Baltimore an example for other cities struggling with violence and intolerance between races.

Thus far HAMMR been his single most touted pursuit. Though candidate Grace has never overtly worked for a peace group himself, he has spent over a decade working for social justice and campaigning with various peaceable causes in the Baltimore and DC metropolitan areas. He is a board member of nonprofit advocacy groups Marylanders for Mutantkind and Bmore Coexists and holds a law degree from the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

And in a time of uncertainty in both the nation and one's own backyard, people seem ready to at least listen for a while to the Grace doctrine.“They ain't nothing but a bunch of cold-blooded machines down there,” said one unnamed bystander, of Washington politicians. “They just got no idea.”

“But Grace,” said a woman to his left, “He knows what we need– and he'll deliver.”


  1. Oh please, everyone knows that HAMMR is nothing more than a lobbying think-tank with only one goal: domination of society by mutants. Cameron Grace is nothing more than a puppet of Charles Xavier, and possibly a hypnotized pawn. Both of them are a menace to all that we hold dear.

    God-fearing Americans CANNOT allow mutants with powers like mind-control, shape-shifting, teleportation, and mass destruction to roam free. Every one of them is a uncontrollable ticking time bomb and a potential terrorist. I'm not saying they all need to be exterminated; perhaps some mutant powers can be harnessed for the good of society (although I doubt it). At the very least, mutants must be separated from pure humans and carefully monitored for any and all misbehavior.

    I strongly urge all real, TRUE American patriots to immediately contact their U.S. Representative and Senators and urge, no, DEMAND them to vote for the Mutant Registration and Genetic Purity Acts. Only by keeping our society free of the taint of mutants and their unnatural abilities can we and our families live in peace and prosperity, without fear that we will be mind-controlled or slaughtered by an out-of-control mutant.

  2. hahah yeah... police for peace! that always works out.
