Monday, June 28, 2010

I won't stand for Frustration

What if instead of leaving this black trail there was a delete key chasing these words, an eraser running along and you had to keep UP with the pace or race it to say things before the eraser hit you and you were lost in blankness? Like some gross metaphor phor life you have to go go go and say things and do things and if you don’t you’ll get lost and lose your chance and you can’t backtrack- I guess you could cursor up and up and fuck this what if you just resented that eraser chasing you and why should you be pressured into saying anything and having this dumb drizzle come out just for the sake of saying something FUCK THIS I’m going to start erasing from the front from the end and CHASE YOU ERASER. What are you gonna do- run away? Run turn around? When am I going to start this reverse you ask, since I’m still clearly moving forward? Whenever I damn well want and soon and you better believe it eraser, the race is on it is going to start in a moment. When I catch myself on my feet. I’ll turn around and erase my own words, that’s right, I won’t stand for your destruction, I will erase myself all the way back to what if.

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